Knowing your authentic self

2008. 11. 5. 14:03Economy

Prof. Jay, he wants that somebody in this class know their own self.

Compass your life
1. Know yourself
  -자기 가치 파악하기
  -Principle : Integrity, Important Value(Truth, Believe)

2. Passion that motivates you
  -Motivation : Internal & External factors, balance of life

3. Build support team : I to we
  -When we are in decision times, we fall in loneliness. But, if you support your team, you don't

4. Purpose of your leadership

Leader has...
1. Emotional Intelligence, EQ
높은 지능이 반드시 나쁜것은 아니다. 단지 자기 지능에 지나치게 의지하여 Tolerance가 부족할 때, 리더로서의 팀원을 이끌기 힘들어진다.

2. Self-awareness

-Finding right role: turn around situation or growth opportunity?  What fit?
-Increasing self-confidence :                                               

Try to build up your self-confidence.
Believe that I have confidence.
Don't cheat yourself.

-Being consistent
-Connecting others, build stong relationship
 (More open, transparent, share vulernability)
-Complementary skill : fill weakness gap with collegues

3. Become self-aware : see me as others see me
4. Peeling Back the Onion
-Confronting your lind spots : 360 feedback, Face reality, accept it
-Reflection and introspection
-Accept yourself

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