Combinations of adjectives and nouns, 스페인어의 형용사 명사결합

2008. 11. 10. 10:19Language

1. Adjectives covering more than on noun of the same gender agree with that gender in the plural.

Tengo muchos amigos y compleñeros.    I have amany friends and companions.
Come patatas y sardinas fritas.               He is eating fried potatoes and sardines.

With nouns of different genders, use masculine plural adjectives.

Lleva botas y calcetines negros.   He is wearing black boots and socks.
Hay muchos chicos y chicas.         There are many boys and girls.


 2. Sometimes you may need more than one adjectie, for example, ´I live in a little white house.´ You have a couple of possiblilties.

   - You can make a noun sandwich. this is common when one adjctive costomarily comes in front of the noun.

Vivo en una pequeña casa blanca.              I live in a little white house.
Es un estudiante trabajador e inteligente.  He is a hard-working and intelligent student.


3. Compound adjectives like dark-red are invariable.

Una falda rojo oscuro    a dark-red skirt

- A noun may be used as an invariable adjective.

un coche(de color) naranja    an orange car
camisas café                           coffee-coloured shirts
unos coches                            model cars