업적-만족이론 : Porter & Lawler Model

2009. 3. 23. 15:30Economy

직무성취와 그것에 결부된 보상에 부여하는 가치, 그리고 어떤 노력이 보상을 가져다 줄 것이라는 기대가 직무 수행에 노력을 좌우하는 과정을 다루고 있다.

Refer from <네이버 용어사전>

 직무 수행에 있어서 Satisfaction과 Performance 사이의 개입 요소에 대한 고려

-Value of Reward
  Intrinsic : an individual expects to receive fromthe job itself or satisfied factors within himself.
  Extrinsic : Which come from the outer sources(The financial...)

-Traits and Ability
  => A highly motivated person may not have appropriate abilities and traits to accomplish the task

-Role Perceptions
  => Individual must have clear task understanding in place.

-Equitable Rewards
  => high satisfaction occurs only than an individual receives equitable rewards for his porformance.

-Perceived effort(Reward Probability)