A first Spanish Reader's text by Erwin W. Roesslese
1. La escuela.(The school) Voy a la escuela el lunes, el martes, el miércoles, el jueves y el viernes. El sábado y el domingo no voy a la escuela. El sábado y el domingo estoy en casa. Soy un discípulo y estoy en la escuela. El discípulo aprende. Aprendo la aritmética, a leer y a escribir. Vd. aprende el español. Todos nosotros aprendemos diligentemente. Algunos discípulos no son diligentes. Alg..
2011.07.06 -
German Question words.
Question Words. Wann? - when? Um wie viel Uhr? - at what times? Was? - What? Was für - what kind of? wo? - where? wohin? - where to? woher? - where from? wozu? - what for? Example sentences. Wo arbeitest du? - Ich arbeite in einer Bank. => Where do you work? - I work in a Bank. Wann kommst du? - Ich komme um sechs Uhr. =>When are you coming? - I come at six o'clock. Wie viel Uhr ist es? - Es is ..
2011.03.20 -
Post sobre el deporte en el pasado fin de semana - Fútbol
지난 주말 Real Madrid와 Xerez의 경기에서 반 니스텔루이 선수가 부상을 당했습니다. 그에 대한 스페인 El mundo지의 기사를 영어로 번역해 볼까 합니다. MADRID.- Ruud Van Nistelrooy, delantero internacional holandés del Real Madrid, quien se lesionó a dos minutos del final del encuentro ante el Xerez, estará de baja entre cinco y seis semanas, según informó el club madridista. Ruud Van Nistelrooy, Netherland international forward of the Real Madrid, wh..
2009.09.23 -
Involing someone or something other than the subject : transitive verbs(타동사)
Many verbs describe events that must, in addition to the subject, involve someone or something else. Some of these verbs can only be used in transitive clauses.(이행적 어구. 타동사의 목적어구.) The extra profit justifies the investment. He had committed a disgraceful action. Followed by a direct object. She had friends. Children seek independence. Many verbs which are only used in transitive clauses can take..
2009.06.23 -
Mucho gusto en internet sitio para español estudio 의 제한된 컨텐츠로 이제 어디서 스페인어를 공부하나 싶었는데... 마침 인상 좋은 유튭 아저씨의 도움으로 간단한 회화와 Phrase 공부를 할 수 있게 됐다. 오마에 겐이치 아저씨의 교육 효율화가 이미 기술적으로는 가능하겠구나 싶다... 피드백 기능만 있다면... 정말 괜찮을텐데... Web based Study In Spanish
2009.06.01 -
Spanish Superlatives
- Spanish superlatives are very similar to the comparative forms, except that you add the definite article (el, la, los, las) or a possessive ajective(mi, tu, etc.) COMPARATIVE Quiero ver un departe más peligroso. I want to watch a more dangerous sport SUPERLATIVE Quiero ver el deporte más peligroso del mundo I want to watch the most dangerous sport in the world. *Éste es mi jejor amigo(This is ..