Download videos & mp3 free from the URL, Offliberty. URL로 MP3, Video 다운받기

2012. 8. 20. 23:35Reviews

The most popular way to hear the songs and see the videos you want is to pay for it if those have the copyright.

But Sometime just UGCs(User Generate Contents), even low quality, on the YOUTUBE or any other video streaming services make you want to get downloading on your computer!

In the past, Offliberty did only support to download MP3 files from the URL.

After the service upgrade, it was supporting to download videos.

Way to use

  1. Copy the url you want to download mp3 or video any type in the search bar
  2. Click the "OFF" button
  3. Choose the download file type mp3 or video
  4. Assign the route the file downloaded
  5. Just copy & past the url in the blank and click the 'OFF'