Spanish Adjectives(2) - 스페인어 형용사

2008. 11. 5. 18:48Language

1. Some adjectives regularly go infront of the noun, as in English.
  - Adjectives showing quantity usualy go in front
mucho                          many, much
poco                               little, few
varios                           several
algunos                         some

bastante/suficiente         enough
ambos                              both
                                                and numbers

Muchos libros               many books
Bastante vino               enough wine
Poco dinero                   Little Money
Varias Casas                 Several houses
Dos chicas                     Two girls

  - Adjectives can go in front of the noun if they state a natural characteristic.
La blaca nieve  the white snow

 - Subjective judgements similarly put the adjective first.
Es una buena película.   It´s a good film.

 - If the adjective comes after an expression with qué, Spanish add más(more) or tan(such).
 ¡Qué chica más bonita!  ¡Qué chica tan bonita!   What a pretty girl!

2. A few adjectives shorten when they come in front. this usually only happens in the masculine sigular

 Un libro bueno → un buen libro(a good book)
 Un vino malo → un mal vino(a bad wine)
 El capítulo primero → el primer capítulo(the first chapter)
 El hombre tercero → el tercer hombre(the third man)

 Alguno(some) and uno(one) also shorten.
¿Hay algún bar por aquí?            Is there a bar round here?
 Hay un bar en la plaza.              There´s a bar in the square.

3. Some adjectives change meaning according to their position.

 un pobre hombre       a poor(wretched) man
 un hombre pobre      a poor(penniless) man
 un nuevo coche         a new(different) car
 un coche nuevo         a (brand-)new car
 un gran general         a great general
 un general grande     a tall general
Grande becomes gran in front of any singular noun
 Gran Bretaña    Great Britain